027 | For transnational families, lockdown has no end

027 | For transnational families, lockdown has no end

The UK is reopening, but not transnational families. Visiting friends or relatives abroad is the second most frequent reason for foreign travel. It's about one in four trips out of the UK, twice the volume of business travel. Travel restrictions have reduced these trips to a trickle. For

Isabelle Roughol
Isabelle Roughol
Podcast episodes
PSA: International travel isn't just about holidays

PSA: International travel isn't just about holidays

International travel restrictions stop a lot more than holidays. Millions have been separated from loved ones abroad for a year or more. Episode 27.

Isabelle Roughol
Isabelle Roughol
013 | Are travel restrictions effective against Covid-19?

013 | Are travel restrictions effective against Covid-19?

In May, I found myself in tears when the British government decided to impose quarantines on anyone returning from France. That was the last straw. How dare they close *my* border? Did it even serve a purpose? When in doubt, go to the library. I turned to science to find

Isabelle Roughol
Isabelle Roughol
Podcast episodes
007 | The plight of stranded Australians

007 | The plight of stranded Australians

Australians abroad are stranded: 23,000 have registered their desire to come home urgently, but they can't. Ostensibly to reduce the spread of covid-19 and the burden on the country's quarantine system, the federal government has instituted flight caps that reduce international arrivals to a trickle.

Isabelle Roughol
Isabelle Roughol
Podcast episodes