Jersey, Guernsey & Sark, 1946

Pierre Roughol traveled to the Channel Islands in 1946. He reported in Jersey and Sark, which he reached after a pit stop in Guernsey. He left detailed captions for most of his pictures of Jersey and Guernsey, which I copied verbatim below each image and translated in English. Details for Sark photos, which Pierre left mostly unexplained, were kindly provided by Christopher Beaumont, current Seigneur of Sark.

Pierre découvrit les îles anglo-normandes en 1946. Il effectua deux reportages à Jersey, puis à Sercq, après une courte escale à Guernesey. Il a laissé des légendes trés détaillées sur les images de Jersey et Guernesey, copiées ici verbatim. Quant à Sercq, Christopher Beaumont, actuel Seigneur de Sercq, a pu me fournir quelques explications, également recopiées ici.

Sailing to the islands

Pierre Roughol onboard a ship, most likely sailing to the Channel islands, in this undated photograph.

Jersey's old cemetery

1. St Brelade churchyard and cemetery. (Le cimetière dans la baie de Saint Brelade.)
7. German graves amid the vaults of the island's oldest families.(Les tombes allemandes parmi les caveaux des plus vieilles familles de l’île.)

Jersey fights the Colorado beetle

3. Jersey's potato plants, the island's main source of wealth, are treated with the greatest care. (A Jersey, les plants de pommes de terre, richesse principale de l'île, sont traités avec le plus grand soin.)
4. Jersey harbour(Un quai du port de Jersey)
18. On the farm, technicians are taking the farmers' place.(A la ferme, les techniciens ont remplacé les cultivateurs.)

Town life in St Helier, Jersey

60. A street in St Helier(Une rue de Saint Hélier.)
65. St Helier harbour at low tide. (Vue du port de St Hélier à marée basse.)
70. Mr Parker (sitting), head of the tourism board, with Mr Rumboll (sp?) of Westminster Bank. (Monsieur Parker (assis) chef de l’office de tourisme avec Monsieur Rumbol directeur de la Westminster Banque.)

Jersey politics

71. Mr Baal, head of the Jersey democratic party and baker, explains his platform.(Monsieur Baal, chef du parti démocrate de Jersey et boulanger, expose son programme.)
78. Major Manly was head of passive defense in Jersey. He was secretly in communication with England and shared military intelligence.(Le major Manly fut chef de la défense passive à Jersey. Il était en relations secrètes avec l’Angleterre et faisait parvenir des renseignements militaires.)
84. An English sentinel keeps watch over a German prisoner "hard at work." (Une sentinelle anglaise monte la garde devant un prisonnier allemand « en plein travail »)

The Bailiff of Jersey

92. Mr Coutanche's garden. During the occupation, he grew potatoes here.(Le jardin de Monsieur Coutanche. Pendant l’occupation il y plantait des pommes de terre.)
93. From his villa, Mr Coutanche has a splendid view of St Ouen's Bay.(De la villa, M. Coutanche a une vue splendide sur la baie de Saint Ouen.) 

States of Jersey

118. Mr Coutanche presides. Before him the golden royal mass dating back to 1066. Above him the three leopards flag.(Monsieur Coutanche préside. Devant lui la masse d’or royale datant de 1066. Au dessus l’étendard aux trois léopards.)

Justice in Jersey

119-141. (Images from the court were not captioned.)


148. Guernsey harbour
149. Guernsey harbour


Captions kindly provided by Christopher Beaumont, 23rd Seigneur of Sark. Pierre was in Sark profiling the famed "Dame de Sercq", Dame Sibyl Hathaway, Beaumont's great-grandmother.

165. Front of the house, looks much the same today with the exception of the windows at the top of the tower.
168. This house is La Rade, opposite the main gates of the house. Since demolished and re-built.
169. Back of the house on what was known as the battery. Home to a number of cannons one dating from Elizabethan times, others from the 1800s. Also a couple of German artillery pieces; Sibyl and Jehanne are looking at a small field gun, a mortar is in the foreground. This area has recently been redeveloped and is now an ornamental orchard, the cannons have been relocated to the front of the house.
182. This is the building of the new harbour, Le Maseline. The buildings behind the crane are still there. To the left is where a new tunnel was cut and the new harbour jetty built, sections of which you can see on the right. The Creux harbour tunnel is behind and to the right of this shot. Looks like an ex-German vehicle being used as a site office! 
